The War on Former Muslim Women

lundi 20 octobre 2014

It is a tragedy and a shame that it had to take the mass kidnapping and sexual enslavement of 300 Nigerian girls by Muslim jihadists for the world to finally express its outrage over Sharia’s evil deeds. Similar stories of Christian girls being kidnapped, forcibly married and converted to Islam by their Muslim captors, have been a reality for decades. But unfortunately, and tragically, they have been ignored by our mainstream media. Only a few “Islamophobic” journalists have cared enough to report on such atrocities in Egypt, Syria and elsewhere — until reality exploded to such a great magnitude that it awakened the world’s conscience.

Former Muslim women like Wafa Sultan, Ayan Hirsi Ali and myself have been writing and speaking about the oppression of women in Islamic society for a long time now. I have written a book dedicated to connecting the dots between Islamic law and such kidnappings, rapes and other forms of oppression of women. But instead of helping our voices be heard, the leftist media and academia have ignored us, called us names and done everything in their power to silence us. They have treated the American people like children who are told they should not be outraged about far away cultural practices — because all cultures are equal.

Advocates of cultural relativism who are brutal in judging conservative and Christian Americans, and call them slanderous names, have no problem in tolerating Islamic tyranny over women and other minorities.

After 9/11 Americans asked: “Where are the voices of Arab Americans who condemn Islamic terrorism?” This question led a few brave former Muslim women to stand up and speak. But when we did (at our own peril), the leftist media and academia called us “Islamophobes” and “racists.” What is Islamophobic and racist about warning America about the tyranny of the barbaric religious legal system that we lived under and came to America to escape from its vicious clutches?

Muslims have convinced the leftist elites that criticism of Islamic doctrine is a hateful phobia equal to hating all Muslim people. Students who wanted to learn the truth about Sharia and its implications on women, jihad, the Arab Israeli conflict and terrorism, have been intimidated and forced to withdraw their invitation to former Muslim women speakers.

Not only have Muslim Brotherhood front groups and the Left succeeded in silencing speech critical of Islam, but reports about Islamic atrocities around the world have been suppressed — until now, when one horrifying story of an Islamic crime against humanity could not be contained.

And so now, with the Nigerian kidnapping story, Islam’s dirty little secret has been exposed: Sharia legalizes the taking of female hostages as sexual slaves in the jihad battle against non-Muslims. And since the jihad battle against non-Muslims is taught as a permanent institution, the kidnapping, rape and enslavement can happen at any time. In fact, the Islamic Nigerian mass kidnappers, who are experts on Sharia, are bragging on camera about their actions because they are told by their books and Islamic education that what they did is holy and legal under Allah.

American students who invite experts on Middle Eastern culture and critics of Sharia, like myself, must endure horrific pressure to cancel our invitations. No matter what horror happens under Islam, we end up being dismissed by the Left as “Islamophobes.”

As a result of the suppression of the truth about Islamic oppression of women, the American public is left ignorant about what is going on in the Islamic world. Thus it takes huge acts of violence, such as the Nigeria mass girl kidnapping or 9/11 to wake Americans up. But for how long can the West afford to ignore Islamic tyranny? I hope not until Islamic jihadists do a similar kidnapping of 300 American girls.

Our culture’s suppression of speech is severely detrimental to the future of this country, which is on its way to embracing Sharia as just another set of laws that must be respected, since, as we are taught, all cultures and religions are equal.

It is high time for American leftist feminists to acknowledge the truth about Islamic oppression of women. Kidnapping of girls, sexual slavery, female genital mutilation, wife beating, legal discrimination against women in the courtroom and other forms of oppression of women, must never be tolerated under the excuse of cultural relativism.

The same leftists who ignore Islamic Sharia tyranny are also the ones who support anti-Semitism also spreading on college campuses.  The offensive annual Israel Apartheid Week must end, otherwise pro-Israel students must be free to invite speakers to counter the anti-Israel propaganda.

Just in the last month, I was cancelled twice after being invited to speak on college campuses due to intimidation by leftists and Islamic groups. Muslim radical groups brag about our cancellation like a badge of honor, the same way the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt brags about silencing the opposition. Suppression of speakers who expose the atrocities of Islamic law has become a shameful chronic condition on American campuses. It is true that Sharia forbids the criticism of Islam, but we should never forget that the US Constitution does not.

The situation in America today is upside down, where we see the American Left tolerating Islamic intolerance and protecting Islam’s dirty little secrets from coming to light. We are not doing Muslims and Islam a favor with this cover-up and appeasement. Blatant atrocities against women by Muslims around the world must be exposed and rejected.

Islamic Values vs. Judeo-Christian Values

My dear friend Ali Sina mentioned in his most recent article that a Muslim professor, Hossein Askari, believes that Western nations lead the World in “Islamic values” and that most Muslim nations practice the least Islamic values. I have heard such nonsense before from some Muslims, some of whom were my relatives. I will never forget the strange look on my Christian American husband’s face when an elderly Muslim man visiting from Egypt told him: “You are such a fine young man, you have the character of a true Muslim.”

It is not unusual for Muslims to describe non-Muslims whom they perceive as good as having “Islamic values.” Many Christians in Egypt have to suffer hearing comments by Muslims such as: “You are so good, you must convert to Islam, you have the character of a true Muslim.”

Muslims are trained to adjust reality to Islamic propaganda; thus everything good must come from Islam and everything bad comes from the Kafir non-believer. So it is Islamic logic to believe that if Christians are good then they must be Muslim, but they just don’t know it yet.How can educated Muslims professors make ridiculous claims like that Ireland “leads the world in Islamic values as Muslim states lag”? Islamic logic, in that case, says, if Irish people have noses, eyes, arms and legs like Muslims then they must be Muslim. This twisted logic wants to hide the truth: that many Muslims no longer want to live under Islamic values, but since that is considered apostasy in Islam, the only way out is to claim life in the land of the Great Satan is really equal to living the true Islamic life.

The Muslim dilemma about the West gets more complicated when over 70% of Muslim youth are desperately trying to leave the Muslim world to immigrate to Western nations. Many Muslims are stunned, disappointing and filled with envy when they compare infidel and Islamic nations and discover that infidels have achieved what Muslims could only dream of. Such an awakening by Muslims flies against the Islamic propaganda that has indoctrinated generations into believing that Islam is the solution.

So if Islam is the solution, how come Muslims are happier in the West? Simple: Muslims discovered what the West failed to understand about their own values; According to Muslims, it is Islamic values — so “Allahu Akbar” anyway.

Islam has trained the Islamic mind to solve any contradictions with the goal of making sure that Islam looks good at any cost. In other words, reality has to adjust to Islamic teachings. Muslims must never admit that Western success is attributed to the Judeo-Christian value system. That is why Muslim professors on American college campuses claim that Western cultural success is due to Islamic and not Biblical values, and that the US Constitution is Sharia compliant.

This is nothing new for Islam, Mohammed himself claimed that Christianity and Judaism, which preceded Islam by thousands of years, are in fact Islam, but have just been corrupted. Mohammed started by linking himself to the Abrahamic line in order to get legitimacy and after that he discredited the Jews and Christians as apes, pigs and enemies of Allah. Mohammed taught his followers that Abraham, Jesus, Moses etc., all are in fact Muslims and have Islamic values.

Because of Islamic Sharia’s severe and humiliating punishments, Muslims had to mold their thinking to never venture outside the Islamic mental box. Muslims who are brave enough to think critically for themselves will easily find Islamic values, summed up in Sharia, to be the antithesis of Biblical values.

Mr. Askari, like many devout Muslims, refuses to judge Islam by its fruits that are exploding all around the world. Instead of graciously giving credit where it is due — to the fruits of the Bible — he chose to slap Western culture in the face by shamelessly teaching that Western nations’ success is due to Islamic values. Amazing, that sounds exactly like Mohammed.

Askari probably feels that the poor Western citizens just don’t know what Islam already knows, but are unaware that the West is practicing Islamic values more than Muslims themselves.This line of thought fits perfectly with the jihadists who are hell bent on violently converting the West to Islam. But the smart stealth jihadist Muslims choose to leave violent jihad to others, and would rather tell the American people that everything good is Islamic and that the corrupted values of the Bible could not have resulted in the fruits of Western success.

Most Muslims are unaware that it is Muslim culture that heavily borrowed from the Bible. Muslims often say “don’t go to bed angry” but are unaware that this is a Biblical value and not a Quranic value. They say “Salamu Alaykum” and respond by saying “Alaykum El Salam” but are unaware that they have borrowed this from Jews’ “Shalom Aleikhem” and the response “Aleikhem Shalom.” They say that Islam is a religion of peace when in fact Islam advocates war and relentlessly urges its followers to die in war while killing the enemies of their Allah.

The so called “moderate Muslims” who advocate that the US Constitution is Sharia compliant, are dangerous because they are stealth jihadists who have no loyalty to the US Constitution and what America is all about. Their loyalty is to the Islamic agenda of the establishment of the Khalifate. The religion of Mohammed has produced millions of people who think like Askari who are constantly struggling with a severe case of ethnocentrism.

Western nations so far have based their way of life on Judeo-Christian values of the Bible; a book outlawed by Islam under penalty of death. It is time for American college campuses to get rid of Muslim teachers who under the guise of research are advocating Islam 101.

by Nonie Darwish

Day when the sun didn't shine during the day .. why do people?

mardi 14 octobre 2014

In the story of Roy that the sun didn't shine days in a country. 

Farmers woke up in the morning to go to the fields, but the darkness was Damsa, 

The staff woke up in the sixth to go to work, but the darkness was dark, 

The students woke up to go to school, but they could not. 

Over the daylight hours everything crashes and stopped life, 

People are concerned on farming, and trembled bodies of children and the elderly from the cold, 

Bear fear in the hearts of everyone. 

As night came, the moon does not appear, everyone went to the houses of worship offer prayers, 

And chanting prayers, and screaming prayers to the sun did not come back in one slept that night 

In five of the next morning the sun shone in a timely manner, 

Vtsaih people joy and raised their hands to the sky, chanting prayers of thanks and share their congratulations. 

He told them one of the Elders of the city: 

Why on God Hkurtm sunrise today not only pain rises every morning! 

Yes senses know that you'll always God.

Why eat grapes, dates and deny .. wine!?

Jews are known for their cunning .. and the arrival of what they want in various ways ..vkd House this dialogue between a Muslim and a Jew about the harmful effects of alcohol and its benefits and proscribe 

Jew: ye Muslims Mtnaqdon eat grapes, dates and wine Thrmon 

Thrmonh and what is not only grapes and Tamra? 

Muslim: What do you think of this water that Saboh on your head and on your body ..fjv Sal, do you harm him something? 

Jew: No 

Muslim: What do you think of this sand that Saboh on your head and splattered on your body .. and top it off, you harm him something? 

Jew: No 

Muslim: What do you think this water and then mix it with sand that has become part and clay and left him for days, bringing the rock that threw them on your head, what would you have? 

Jew: Sinflq my head 

Muslim said: So if the dates or grapes become wine, it goes mind, money and self .... etc. from the harmful effects of alcohol, and seek refuge with Allah from him Oaazkm 

P managed to convince the Muslim Jewish reasons for the prohibition on alcohol in our Islamic religion this argument strong and wonderful style even knows that God does not forbid us anything 
Only to harm because God loves us so much he wanted us goodness in this world and the hereafter

Why might increase nervousness in Ramadan

Why might increase nervousness in Ramadan 

What are the causes nerve in Ramadan? Why increase the anger and emotion in this holy month to the degree to which may sometimes up to invalidate the fast? 

• Lack of water 

Proven scientifically that the lack of water and the proportion of glucose in the brain of the causes that lead to nervousness, especially when less than the percentage of water in the human body begins to feel the tension and then anger and emotion. 

• Smoking 
Smoking is also one of the causes of nerve in Ramadan, especially in the period of fasting during the day, because when you get used to the smoker on the existence of a certain percentage of nicotine in the blood, and cut off suddenly from smoking for several hours, beginning symptoms of deprivation of nicotine in appearing feels nervous, anger, irritability and poor concentration and sleep disorders. Therefore it is advisable to reduce the proportion of cigarette smokers gradually, so as not to suffer from these symptoms in the holy month, preferably if it were able to completely stop smoking. 

• lack of caffeine in the body 
May return causes nerve in Ramadan for some people to heavy consumption of stimulant drinks, which contain caffeine, such as tea, coffee, soft drinks, where the lead drop sudden addressed those drinks during the day in Ramadan to fatigue and drowsiness, nervousness, mood swings, and if long period of disconnection from drinking caffeine for 18 hours to get it develops a severe headache. 

Is also advised to reduce the proportion of caffeine gradually, to avoid those symptoms and can address some of these stimuli in suhoor to reduce headaches and feeling nervous. 

Source: Forums 

Are there other reasons to feel emotion and nervousness in Ramadan? Join us your opinion!

End of the world’ predictions

The concept of an apocalyptic end to the world has held interest for many people over the centuries; religious and non-religious people alike. As muslims, one of our main beliefs is in the Youm-Al-Qiayamah (Day of Judgement) and we center our lives around the fact that one day we will die and on the Day have to account for our deeds in this life. However, we also don’t believe in trying to figure out when it will be because Allah alone knows, and the point is we can die any day, and to spend our lives as well as we can instead of freaking out about the exact date.

Popular scares


The most famous one I can remember is Y2K – the world was being convinced that as it became the year 2000, all computers would recognize the 00 in the year as nothing and technology would shut down, nuclear reactors might blow up, etc.
There was even a Hollywood movie about it, just to make it more real. Of course nothing happened, but it seems that we are doomed to have these scares until the actual day does happen.

May 21,2011

This was the most recent one (see date of this post) and again nothing happened despite the Church responsible having put up various billboards about it. They believed the Bible foretold this due to some calculations they did. The funniest part is on May 22 they have updated their website saying God has given the world another 5 months, so now there’s a new date! This shows how hard it is to discourage ridiculous theories like this that are based on absolute drivel.

Dec 21,2012

Another one heading our way, because the Mayan calendar ends this day. Could just be that they ran out of space (see the cartoon on the left :) For whatever reason, people think the Mayans were predicting the end of times.
This one did scare me a bit because it’s on a Friday and the one thing the Prophet did tell us was that the Day would start on a Friday.
Which leads me to my point that speculation on the day is futile because…

Only Allah knows when the Day is

This famous and important hadith tells us that the Prophet and Angel Jibrail didn’t know when the Hour is; if they didn’t know there is certainly no way that we can know:
Also from ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, there is that he said, “While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless with him and grant him peace, one day a man came up to us whose clothes were extremely white, whose hair was extremely black, upon whom traces of travelling could not be seen, and whom none of us knew, until he sat down close to the Prophet, may Allah bless with him and grant him peace, so that he rested his knees upon his knees and placed his two hands upon his thighs and said, ‘Muhammad, tell me about Islam.’ The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless with him and grant him peace, said, ‘Islam is that you witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and you establish the prayer, and you give the Zakat, and you fast Ramadan, and you perform the hajj of the House if you are able to take a way to it.’ He said, ‘You have told the truth,’ and we were amazed at him asking him and [then] telling him that he told the truth. He said, ‘Tell me about iman.’ He said, ‘That you affirm Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and that you affirm the Decree, the good of it and the bad of it.’ He said, ‘You have told the truth.’ He said, ‘Tell me about ihsan.’ He said, ‘That you worship Allah as if you see Him, for if you don’t see Him then truly He sees you.’ He said, ‘Tell me about the Hour.’ He said, ‘The one asked about it knows no more than the one asking.’ He said, ‘Then tell me about its signs.’ He said, ‘That the female slave should give birth to her mistress, and you see poor, naked, barefoot shepherds of sheep and goats competing in making tall buildings.’ He went away, and I remained some time. Then he asked, ‘Umar, do you know who the questioner was?’ I said, ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ He said, ‘He was Jibril who came to you to teach you your deen’.” Muslim 

Signs for the last day

There are of course signs the Prophet told us such as the ones stated above and that it will fall on a Friday. To read more about these, please visit my site here.

How Muslims should handle these predictions

I think we should all focus on being good muslims and good people (the two go hand in hand) and to live each moment as if we can die in the next one. Being mindful of death is a good thing because it keeps us on our toes and self-aware. Being mindful of these predictions though is fruitless as there have been several proven false and they will always continue to be there. They are not based on anything Islamic and so do not apply to us.
We can watch out for the signs and pray to Allah when the Day comes that he have mercy on all of us, and to pray for protection from the Dajjal and the trials of the grave. Here are some nice duas to read.

Do we have to follow the Sunnah (Hadith) of the Prophet?

ntil recently, I had thought that all Muslims follow the Quran as the primary source of knowledge, guidance and information, as well as following the Hadith (traditions or Sunnah) of the Prophet. I then found out about a school of thought called ‘Quranism’ – the followers of this believe that the Quran should be the only source of guidance for Muslims, and disregard all Sunnah and Hadith of the Prophet. Though it might seem to make sense, at the same time it seems to disagree with alot of aspects of the Prophets life and what he taught us.

What are hadith?

Hadith, also referred to as ‘Sunnah’ sometimes, refer to sayings, teachings or advice of the Prophet that he said in his lifetime, and that were then transmitted orally, and written down at a later time.

Are they credible?

The argument is that since they were transmitted orally, it could be ‘chinese whispers’ and people added on and embellished to what was said, or even made up something to suit what they thought and attributed to the Prophet. This was a real problem, that still continues today with alot of ‘weak’ hadith being regarded as true. This is a long topic covered extensively by others, but the main points to note are:
  • Only 6 collections are regarded as authentic, 2 of which are Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that are seen as the strongest; any others are disregarded
  • The screening process for these hadith was very intense: the sources had to be reliable people, who heard it first hand, and more preferred were hadith that more than one credible person had heard. For instance a hadith by the Prophets companion such as Umar or Ali is regarded as very true, but one relatively unknown person saying they heard the Prophet say  something isn’t enough credibility.
  • There were lots of hadith that were filtered down because of this screening process, for instance it is said that Al-Bukhari collected over 300,000 hadith and included only 2,602 traditions in his Sahih collection.

Why follow just the quran

The Quran is the word of Allah speaking directly to us, and Allah has said that he will protect the Quran from being changed (Quran 15:9). So of course it is much more credible to follow the Quran for this reason as well, because as stated hadith can be changed or modified. This, and the fact that the Quran is directly Allah’s word, is seen as enough reason to follow the Quran alone. However, there are other indications and thoughts to look at before disregarding Hadith completely. Below are the reasons that I came up with or found.

#1 Implementing the Quran in our life

To follow the Quran doesn’t mean to simply read it, but to implement it in our daily life. A person could read the Quran and what it says about praying in middle of the night and perhaps think ‘This seems difficult to me; how can I do all of this? Wake up in the middle of the night to pray? It’s not possible for a person!’ and then just leave the religion altogether or to follow the parts they choose and disregard others. By reading Hadith and learning about Prophet Muhammad, we see that he showed us how to live the Quran, by setting an example for us. He would stand up often to pray in the night for long periods, for instance there is a Hadith:
Narrated Aisha: The Prophet used to offer prayer at night (for such a long time) that his feet used to crack. I said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Why do you do it since Allah has forgiven you your faults of the past and those to follow?” He said, “Shouldn’t I love to be a thankful slave (of Allah)?’ When he became old, he prayed while sitting, but if he wanted to perform a bowing, he wound get up, recite (some other verses) and then perform the bowing.
Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 360 and 361
This Hadith gives us an insight on how a true Muslim and believer in Allah and the Quran would feel about night prayers, and shows that a human being is capable of doing it if they want to.

#2 Avoiding misinterpretations

As mentioned, the Quran is Allah’s word and comes with a lot of weight. While Allah has sent it using words that people can understand, it is a book with many levels and many lessons to be learnt. In this way, the Prophet can be seen as a teacher for us. Just as you wouldn’t pick up a book about Quantum Physics, read it through and think you understood it, it’s the same way with the Quran. You would need someone, ideally a teacher, to guide you through it and to help you understand what it’s saying and its meanings.
Without this teaching, you are also open to misinterpreting the Quran. I witnessed an example of this recently when a famous Hollywood celebrity died, and people had put up statuses on Facebook saying how sad they were and offering condolences. A person whom I don’t know got upset at this, and commented on my friend’s status that we shouldn’t mourn for this celebrity because they had been a Christian and so a non-believer and we shouldn’t feel sorry for them, citing verses from the Quran which talk about the disbelieving people and Allah’s wrath on them. This sort of narrow-minded interpretation of the Quran is dangerous because it leads to a way of thinking that is intolerant and contrary to the teachings of the Prophet.
A person who would look at Hadiths would learn how tolerant and compassionate our Prophet had been, even to non-Muslims.
Narrated ‘Abdur Rahman bin Abi Laila: Sahl bin Hunaif and Qais bin Sad were sitting in the city of Al-Qadisiya. A funeral procession passed in front of them and they stood up. They were told that funeral procession was of one of the inhabitants of the land i.e. of a non-believer, under the protection of Muslims. They said, “A funeral procession passed in front of the Prophet and he stood up. When he was told that it was the coffin of a Jew, he said, “Is it not a living being (soul)?” (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 399)
Hadith like this are essential to understanding the good character a Muslim person has, which upon reading the Quran might be hard to understand for some.
It says in the Quran about itself that there will be those people who will take the words of Allah and use them for their own meanings:
As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, “We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord.” And no one will be reminded except those of understanding. (Quran, Surah Ali Imran, Verse 7)
From ‘those of understanding’, who better than Prophet Muhammad to help us understand the Quran.

#3 Why send a Messenger at all?

If Allah had willed, he could have sent down the Quran directly through the angel Jibrail and given it to the people. Why did he choose to send it through Jibrail to a person, Prophet Muhammad, who was then told to tell it to the people? Allah knows best, but when thinking about this, one of the main reasons is because the Prophet was an exceptional person, unlike normal people. He was called ‘Al-Amin’, the trustworthy one, and people like Abu Bakr converted to Islam instantly upon hearing him because of his reputation of always telling the truth.
A person of strong character such as the Prophet Muhammad was needed to show people how to live the Quran, how to recite it, how to read it, how to understand it and how to live by it. Allah does everything for a reason, and to disregard anything the Prophet said or did seems to oppose Allah’s decision to choose Muhammad from all the people.

#4 Prophets last sermon

Whether you believe in Hadith or not, in his Final Sermon before he passed away he clearly spoke about telling those people who were not there to listen to pass on the message. This is something ‘Quranists’ cannot even deny and so must listen to the words of his Farewell Sermon.
“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today…”
He then went on to say
Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray.
In various ways, implicitly and explicitly, he highlighted in this sermon the importance of passing on his teaching to whose who could not be there, that his words have importance, the Quran is primary  but then to also follow his Sunnah, his example.

#5 No contradictions

Whatever the Prophet said or did was inspired by Allah and he was given guidance. The Prophet would not give out advice or rulings based on his own thoughts and feelings, but rather what Allah had decreed. It would make sense to deny hadith if they contradicted Quran, for instance the Quran says you can have 4 wives but the Prophet said ‘Well actually you can have 6 if you like’. His life complimented the Quran, and so his Hadith must compliment it, and not contradict it, which they do.
Aisha, his wife, when asked what the Prophet’s characters was like, she answered ‘His character was the Quran’.

#6 Who do we ask for advice?

There are several hadith where people have come and asked the Prophet for advice regarding law or personal affairs, or he disclosed some advice. It seems unfair that only the people who lived at the Prophets time get to benefit from such pearls of wisdom, when it is clear that the advice can benefit all Muslims. One example is this beautiful hadith:
Young man, (the Prophet said to ‘Abdullah ibn al-’Abbas) hear some words of advice; Be mindful of God and God will protect you. Be mindful of God and you will find Him before you. If you seek help, seek Help of God. Know that if all the people were to gather together to give you the benefit of anything, it would be something that God had already prescribed for you, and that if they gathered together to harm you with anything, this would only be as God had already ordained. (At-Tirmidhi)
Although the points mentioned above might be found in the Quran in different places and phrased in different ways, the Prophet put it into perspective for us. I’m sure that though his advice was to Abdullah ibn Al-Abbas, he would have wanted all people to benefit from this advice.

Following the Quran and the Prophet

After looking deeper into the topic, I feel more strongly than ever on following Hadith and Sunnah of the Prophet. He was chosen as the best of human beings from us, and is an ideal role model for all Muslims wishing to follow the Quran truly.
May Allah give us all guidance, help us to love and understand the Quran, make it a part of our daily life, and assist us in being more like our beloved Prophet Muhammad.

How I started wearing Hijab

Hijab seems to be quite a controversial topic in today’s world. Whereas a less than a 100 years ago a woman choosing to cover her hair was seen as no big deal, nowadays it seems like it’s the most shocking thing a woman can do – yet wearing revealing clothes is seen as normal! Such are the times we live in, and before I get into why Hijab is important for a muslim woman, I wanted to share my story.

Growing up

In my family, the women don’t wear Hijab per se, though they do dress conservatively (full sleeves, etc). Though I live in a Muslim country, I went to a school where majority of students were non-Muslim (Christian, Atheist or Hindu), which I think was a really good experience for me because I was friends with people who had different thoughts on religion and helped me to have an open mind on people and their beliefs. It was only in university where I made a lot of Muslim friends and became more aware of my religion as well as my culture.


When 9/11 happened, Islam was thrown into the limelight in a negative way. People wanted to know more about Islam, and for someone like me who was born a Muslim and thought that was enough, I realized how little I knew about my religion when people would ask questions and I would’t know what the answer was.
I felt like 9/11 was a wake up call for me and Muslims everywhere to understand our beautiful religion better, before it was lost it in the hands of some violent extremists and it’s image tarnished further.

Thinking about Hijab

It didn’t seem like an option for me to start Hijab, because I didn’t see how it could fit into my life. None of my friends did it, I hadn’t grown up seeing it in my family, and I thought ‘If I believe in Allah and Prophet Muhammad, I pray and fast and do the 5 pillars, and I try to be a good person, shouldn’t that be enough?’.
Over time though. as I reached my senior year in university, I subconsciously started the process of Hijab without even knowing it. My sleeves became longer, my tops became looser, and my jeans less tight. My university was more of a fashion show for girls to come dressed up to everyday, and I started wondering about what the point was of making an effort to look attractive everyday, to get compliments, have guys look at you (a nice way of saying check you out ;) and to have girls look at you enviously. It didnt feel right for me to be praying inbetween classes, then take off the abaya (a plain black loose dress) provided in the prayer room, and walk out onto campus dressed in tight clothes.
I felt like a total hypocrite; praying to Allah in abaya and loose clothes like He has asked me to, yet in front of the world wearing something else. What I was in front of Allah is what I was supposed to be in the world as well, because Allah sees everything, and it became harder for me to ignore that disconcerting feeling.

Wearing Abaya selectively

I started wearing Abaya selectively in places where I wouldn’t be comfortable at all in tight clothes and I didn’t really care what people there thought; such as the market place (bazaars) and grocery stores. I initially wore the abaya and then the shehla (headscarf) as well, and would immediately feel alot more comfortable being covered up.

In the working world

After university I started working full time and wore the abaya to work, with the headscarf draped around my neck as an accessory. This helped me to transition to being covered up from the neck downwards, yet I didnt feel like it was too big a jump for me. I felt like university life was different from when you are working in terms of your interaction with men; at work you have all kinds of people around and a lot of men you might have to interact with frequently, and it was better to draw that line to say ‘Im not interested’.

Covering up socially

I also changed my dressing to absolute full sleeves, loose fitting and long lengths in my western outfits as well as my shalwar kameez (luckily the fashion was of long flared shirts anyways!), and my clothes were appropriate and the only thing left was to cover up my hair.

What motivated me to finally put on the Hijab (headscarf)

A better understanding of Islam and Hijab

The main motivation was just getting closer to Islam. As I prayed more regularly, read the Quran, listened to Islam lecturers such as Hamza Yusuf and Yusuf Estes (I will put up links to their lectures on Hijab in seperate blog post), I Alhamdulilah felt a closer connection to Allah and the teachings of the Prophet. When that happens, the feeling of modesty is an automatic effect of actively trying to get closer to Allah. I felt like covering my hair was the right thing to do, and I realized that my world was going to need to adopt the Hijab and accept it, rather than Hijab trying to get into my world.
I was going to have to change my life to let Hijab in, rather than I change Hijab to fit into my current life.

Learning how to wear the headscarf in a nice way

I also had a close friend start Hijab and she wore the scarf very well. I could never wear it in a simple way (some women would say you have to wear only black but I’ve never seen a Hadith or Quran quote that affirms that) and I saw that by wearing a scarf you can still look decent yet stylish (I don’t agree with those overdone styles of big poofy camel humps fyi).
I felt it was important to look stylish not because I was trying to impress anyone or look *cool*, but the fact is that it is not something to oppress us and we are young and have the freedom to try out new things, have fun with our dressing in some ways, and since I just got married recently, I didn’t want to look boring to my husband when I was out with him :) Some good resources to learn how to wear the hijab are MakeupAdikt on youtube and Pearl Daisy.

The final decision

There was no ‘Eureka’ moment for me when I made the decision, but just a gradual build up to it. I discussed it with my husband and he was supportive as I had known he would be, as were my family and friends. Then one day I headed out to the market, bought all the cute pins and matching scarves, prayed 2 Nafl Salah to ask Allah to help me find peace with my Hijab and let it be a source of reward for me since I am doing this for Akhira (the Hereafter) and not Dunya (the world), and started wearing it from that day on.

The reaction

Most people were supportive, and all of the important people like my family, in-laws, and friends were proud of the step I had taken. I was surprised how so many girls I wouldn’t have thought would be thinking about Hijab told me they wanted to start as well and asked how did I get inspired etc (which shows you we shouldn’t judge people on appearances!).
There were some people of course who didn’t care for it too much, or who still think it’s a temporary phase I’m going through, but that’s just from a lack of understanding on their part. A lot of people can’t believe a woman would choose to cover her hair when she has no external pressures (like how some girls are forced to wear it because of their families or their husbands), and I find it hard to tell them how amazingly liberating it is to wear the headscarf, and the opposite of oppressive (the topic of oppression is too long and I’ll cover in another blog post).
I hope insha’Allah my story can benefit you or someone you know, and that all of us Muslim women stay proud to wear our Hijab and let the world know we are Muslim, and we are not afraid to show it, even if it’s to disapproving eyes – we are not going to take it off to make the West more comfortable with us, since it is our identity and our liberation that they, sadly, fail to understand.

Why Islam denied that the disclosure of the secrets of marital

Why Islam  denied that the disclosure of the secrets of marital haram ..... 
Dear Muslim wife 

Before I introduce you to the evidence that shows the ruling on the matter say that the disclosure of what is going on between the couple, which he considered Almighty Allah 'by heart' is not worthy of moral universe is not consistent with the taste of the Muslim and the sense of delicate, nor do only the owners of hearts diseased brains are empty. 
Woman to marry and married her relationship with her ​​privacy and secrets, a relationship where the couple entrusted the secrets of each other, and should not divulge the secret of one owner, why? 

This is what we learn from the texts: 
Come with me, dear wife understand what Ojmmelth detail in the following lines: 
 قال تعالى:   {فَالصَّالِحَاتُ قَانِتَاتٌ حَافِظَاتٌ لِلْغَيْبِ}

In verse praising God that they do good Aleghantat folders for any unseen preserve representative themselves for their husbands outrageous and funds for waste and extravagance, and preserve representative is between them and their husbands, and the specifics of the secrets. 

 قال تعالى: {وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لأَمَانَاتِهِمْ وَعَهْدِهِمْ رَاعُونَ ... أُولَئِكَ فِي جَنَّاتٍ مُكْرَمُونَ}

From the Secretariat to preserve one's words of wrought newly which he considers of secrets, though the mattress secrets must be surrounded by a fence of secrecy and God shy Steer loves modesty and Jackets . Unlike Secretariat and treason, has counted Imam Hafiz Shams al-Din in the golden book 'sins' of sins and said regarding treason: 

قال الله تعالى: {يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لا تَخُونُوا اللَّهَ وَالرَّسُولَ وَتَخُونُوا أَمَانَاتِكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ} . 

like them like a demon and the demon. 

Look at this analogy is strange from  Muhammad ﷺ  who tells people what to do with his family, and tells what to do with her ​​husband of the secrets of the mattress has likened the Prophet peace be upon him that they were like a demon killing a demon in the way he judged he needs them, and people look at. 

Narrated girl names than God bless her that she was  Muhammad ﷺ , and the failure of the men and women he has said: 

[لعل رجلا يقول ما فعل بأهله ، ولعل امرأة تخبر بما فعلت مع زوجها فأرم القوم ، فقلت : إي والله يا رسول الله ! إنهم ليفعلون ، وإنهن ليفعلن . قال : فلا تفعلوا ، فإنما مثل ذلك شيطان لقي شيطانة ، فغشيها والناس ينظرون 
الراوي:أسماء بنت يزيدالمحدث:الألباني - المصدر:صحيح الترغيب- الصفحة أو الرقم:2022 
خلاصة حكم المحدث:صحيح لغيره] 

This talk explicitly forbidden from revealing the secrets of the bed, as if this disclosure and the disclosure of sexual image displayed in the road. In this type of manifest and the reason for the foolish dare, and Allah does not like obscene indecent. 

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:[[إن من أشر الناس عند الله منزلة يوم القيامة ، الرجل يفضي إلى امرأته ، وتفضى إليه ، ثم ينشر سرها 
الراوي:أبو سعيد الخدريالمحدث:مسلم - المصدر:صحيح مسلم- الصفحة أو الرقم:1437 
خلاصة حكم المحدث:صحيح ]]. 

I've counted the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him divulges the secrets of the bed, the man and what he does with his wife from the point Nas.'alavdhae 'skin is directly a euphemism for sexual intercourse, and saying peace be upon him' and then published her secret 'mention any details of what the event is located intercourse The kiss of the elements of sexual intercourse, one of the major sins. 

Al-Nawawi said God's mercy in his commentary on this hadith: 'In this modern prohibition of disclosure of the man what was going on between him and his wife of things to enjoy, and describe the details of it, and what is happening to women in it than say or do or so, either the mere mention of sexual intercourse, the were not in it utility does not need him makrooh because otherwise virility. The Prophet peace be upon him: 'Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him say good or remain silent' though it need or consequent benefit that deny the symptoms of it, or claim to be deficit during intercourse or so is not makrooh in mentioning, as he said peace be upon him to Abu Talha: 'Oaristim night'. 

 قال تعالى: {هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَهُنَّ} 

'Koran for him to touch a caring Rvafah awarded the marital relationship transparency and Rafka and moisture, and set them apart from thicken meaning animal, and awaken the meaning of Ulster in facilitating this relationship, dress Sater and markets, as well as the link between the spouses cover both of them and Takia'.] 

We understand from verse to pair it be clothes and Stra to wife, and the wife as well as his, has mentioned God women by men in the saying: 'are' gets so housing and compassion, revealing the Jackets this unseen inconsistent with the verse and impart gloss and shades . 

does not save the unseen section of marital problems: 

The sessions sisters, neighbors and friends, and reveals the secrets, and eliminate them from the tales and fantasies, reveal the secrets of houses and make them on the tongues of the public, know them more than they knew occupants, Vtaatltkh the sanctity of homes, and brings about security and tranquility, and mutually supportive community factors demolition and cracking. 
These secrets envy between women and men as well. 

It is also the subject of comparisons between the women, and if there were the wife was probably denied them because the eyes of others, and then end up the couple to the psychiatrist that they were rational people, or by magicians and charlatans to decode the node and solving the problem of their view that they were not wise. 

Finally the pair Fadil say: Save your password and do not reveal the unseen because you are enjoined to do so, such as women Tmama.ola absent from your spouse for more than six months, narrated by Imam Malik bin Anas, may Allah have mercy on him in Muwatta from Abdullah ibn Dinar said: Output Omar ibn al-Khattab night hearkened A woman says: 

This affects the night and part black and not Ergueni Khalil Olaabh 

I swear to God I do not watch him to move from this bed aspects 

Omar asked his daughter Hafsa God bless them: how much more patient woman about what her husband? 

She said, six months or four months. 

Umar said: Do not hold back anyone from the army more than that. 

I would like to conclude by this commandment for a woman Auf Shaibani recommends her daughter on her wedding night and these commandments: 
'The ninth and tenth not disobey him is not an outbreak of him secretly, 
If you disobey Augrt his chest,

Surah Al Quraysh Arabic and English

lundi 13 octobre 2014

Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.

Because Quraish was made to incline.

He made them incline in their journeys of winter and summer both.

They should therefore worship the Lord of this House.

Who gave them food in hunger, and bestowed them security from a big fear.

Surah Al Ma'un Arabic and English

Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.

Well, you see him who belies the Requital.

Then he is the one who drives away the Orphan.

And does not urge the feeding of the poor.

Then woe to those prayer performers.

Who are heedless of their prayers.

Those who make a Show of it.

And refuse to give articles of use.

Surah Al Kawther Arabic and English

Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.

'O beloved! Undoubtedly, We have bestowed you abundance of good.

Therefore offer prayer for your Lord, and do the sacrifice.

Undoubtedly, one who is your enemy, he is cut of from every good.

Surah Al Kafirun Arabic and English

Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful.

Say you, O infidels!

I worship not that you worship.

And nor you worship what I worship.

And I shall not worship what you worshiped.

And nor you shall warships what I warship.

For you, your religion. and for me my religion.
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